OH Cards

 OH Cards – A Series of Metaphoric Cards

These beautiful decks of cards stimulate creativity and communication! Suitable for use as a resource in counselling, coaching, education, storytelling and several other fields.

Each individual deck can be used on its own or in conjunction with any (or all) of the others. All decks stimulate creativity and communication and allow for unlimited variations for use by all ages. Easy-to-follow instructions for play and work are included with every deck.

The OH Cards refers to both the genre and a specific deck of cards within the genre. The genre includes all the different OH decks.

The original OH consists of two decks, each with 88 cards: of watercolours that refer to aspects of our daily lives and one with words that provide a backdrop for the paintings. There are 7744 combinations possible. Viewed one per day, it would take over 21 years to view all possible combinations.

In combining word and picture, the original OH Cards address the whole person by stimulating both the left and right brain. The OH Cards are not meant to be interpreted literally. The essential spirit of a picture placed on a word is an interpretation of intuition and the feeling it evokes. Interpretations may be contradictory, paradoxical, or ambiguous.

Here are a list of decks that are for sale:

OH-CardsOH Copecope TanDooTandoo PersonaPersona
PersonitaPersonita SagaSaga MythosMythos 10011001
Shen HuaShen Hua EccoEcco HabitatHabitat MorenáMorena
Lydia Jacob StoryLydiaJacobStory BeauregardBeauregard BoschBosch TahitiTahiti
QuisineQuisine  ResilioResilio2

Related books for sale include:

Strawberries Beyond My Window
The Power of OH

Visit the OH Cards Institute at www.oh-cards-institute.org

Images © OH Publishing